Chartered 2001

Amended February 2024


The name of this Association shall be the Idaho Education Technology Association (IETA)


The purpose of the Association shall be promoting and facilitating the use of technology in Idaho education. The Association shall promote, facilitate, and sustain education technology and all its users while enhancing the education of Idaho’s students for tomorrow’s technology.


Section 1 Any not-for-profit Idaho Preschool through 12 employee or school/district appointed representatives who desire to promote the interest of IETA and sharing in its work shall be eligible for membership and may become an active member by paying the annual dues as provided in the Bylaws. An active member shall be entitled to vote, hold office, participate in all activities of the Association, and receive publications and other services of the Association.  

Section 2 This organization fully supports a policy of equal opportunity and will not discriminate regarding membership eligibility on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, or gender. This organization will neither accept invitations from nor participate in any activity or organization that does not support an equal opportunity or non-discrimination policy.  

Section 3 The organization membership is active, with all rights and privileges afforded through registered membership of the Idaho Education Technology Association (IETA). Membership runs through the current school year until December 31st of the following school year.

Section 4  Visitors may occasionally be invited to attend organizational meetings and activities as guests with no expectation of other innate rights and/or privileges afforded registered members of the IETA organization.


Section 1 The  Executive Board of the Association shall be comprised of the following:

Elected Officers (10):

  • Past-President (Who shall be the retiring President) (1)
  • President (Who shall be the retiring President-Elect) (1)
  • President-Elect (Who shall after one year fill the role of the President) (1)
  • Regional Representatives – One representative from each of the geographic regions as established by the State Department of Education (currently 6)
  • Women in Technology Representative (1)

Appointed Members (3 – 7):

  • Idaho Association of School Administrators (IASA) Representative (1 – Ex Officio)
  • State education agency Representative (1 – Ex Officio)
  • IDLA Representative (1 – Ex Officio)
  • Up to four additional Special Representatives may be appointed by the elected Officers of the Association as needed (0 – 4)

Section 2 Elections and Appointments

All officers of the Association shall be elected by popular vote and serve for a term of two years from July 1 – June 30. Note: The President-Elect serves one year as such, then one year as President, and one year as Past-President.  Special Representatives appointed by the Executive Board shall serve for a one-year term from July 1 to June 30.

Election Process for President-Elect:

  1. Initial nominees shall be solicited on an annual rotating basis from Regions I & II, Regions III & IV, and Regions V & VI.
  2. By October 30 of the year in which a region is eligible to nominate a candidate for President-Elect, the Region Representative will collect and submit nominations to the Nominations Committee for President-Elect.
  3. If insufficient nominations were received by the October 30 deadline from the regions eligible to nominate a candidate for President-Elect, ALL Region Representatives will collect and submit nominations to the Nominations Committee for President-Elect by November 30. If no nominations are received, nominations will be held at large during the business meeting held at the annual conference.  
  4. By December 15, the current president will electronically send out information on nominees for the upcoming president-elect election to all members.

Regional Elections:  

  1. Regional Representative elections must be held between January and May of the year that each region is due for elections.  
  2. Regions 1,3,5 will be elected on odd-numbered years; regions 2,4,6 will be elected on even-numbered years.
  3. Voting for the Regional Representative may occur at the annual conference or regional meetings. Nominations may be collected using electronic means, but voting should be conducted in person.
  4. The newly elected Regional Representative will take office on July 1 following the election.  
  5. In the instance of a vacancy, the region will elect a new representative rather than have the President appoint the new representative. The President should call for an immediate election in the region where a vacancy has occurred; the election should occur within 60 days.

Women in Technology Representative Election:

The Women in Technology Representative shall be elected every two years by the members of the Women in Technology sub-group.

Section 3 IETA Officers and Special Representatives to the IETA Executive Board should be members of IETA for no less than one year prior to assuming an office except those Ex Officio members barred from membership.


Section 1  Duties of the Past-President shall include (but not be limited to):

(a) Provide organizational continuity and historical insight to the IETA.

(b) Support IETA by attending annually (virtually or in-person) at least one regional meeting within each region.

(c) Serve on standing or special committees as appointed by the President.

(d) Promote IETA.

(e) Promote and support the annual conference.

(f) Be a part of the Conference Committee.

(g) Chair the Nominations Committee and Membership activities.

Section 2 Duties of the President shall include (but not be limited to):

(a) Serve as IASA Liaison.

(b) Preside at all Association meetings, with the exception of regional meetings.

(c) Serve as Chairperson of the Executive Board.

(d) Call meetings of the Executive Board.

(e) Fill by appointment, with the approval of the Executive Board, vacancies on the Executive Board, and standing committees with the exception of Regional Representatives.

(f) Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.

(g) Convene the Budget Committee and prepare the budget.

(h) Authorize the expenditure of funds within the restrictions of the budget. Presidential travel shall be reviewed and approved by the Executive Board.

(i) Ensure continuous planning for all IETA programs, conferences, and communications.

(j) Support and assist regional representatives with regional activities.

(k) Attend, virtually or in person, at least one regional meeting within each region annually.

(l) Be a part of the Conference Committee.

Section 3 Duties of the President-Elect shall include (but not be limited to):

(a) Serve as an officer of the Executive Board.

(b) Preside at meetings in the absence of the President.

(c) Act in an official capacity and assume the duties assigned to the President if a vacancy occurs.

(d) Chair the Conference Committee.

Section 4  Duties of The Regional Representatives shall include (but not be limited to):

(a) Actively attend and support IETA-sponsored meetings and functions.

(b) Attend scheduled Executive Board meetings regularly. If unable to attend meetings, a designee may represent the region.

(c) Plan and preside over regional meetings, including promoting technology technology training, and work with the state education agency representatives to share statewide information at regional meetings. Each region representative shall hold a minimum of 3 meetings per year.

(d) Promote membership within their region.

(e) Serve on standing or special committees as appointed by the President

(f) Preside over regional elections

(g) Maintain regional contact lists for various IETA requirements

(h) Collect and submit nominations to the Nominations Committee for President-Elect

(i) Be a part of the Conference Committee

Section 5 Idaho Association of School Administrators (IASA) Representative shall:

(a) Be an ex-officio member

(b) Serve at the discretion of the Executive Board

(c) Appointed by the IETA President and confirmed by a majority vote of the Executive Board. 

(d) Keep the President and Executive Board informed on Idaho’s emerging educational technology issues.

(e) Keep the President and Executive Board informed on activities and status of the IASA.

(f) Serve on standing or special committees as appointed by the President

(g) Be a part of the Conference Committee as appointed by the President

(h) Be restricted from voting in any motion brought to vote before the Executive Board

Section 6 The state education agency representative shall:

(a) Be an ex-officio member

(b) Serve at the discretion of the Executive Board

(c) Be employed by a state education agency, appointed by the IETA President, and confirmed by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

(d) Keep the President and Executive Board informed on emerging and current educational technology issues within the State of Idaho.

(e) Serve on standing or special committees.

(f) Be a part of the Conference Committee.

Section 7 The IDLA representative shall:

(a) Be an ex-officio member

(b) Serve at the discretion of the Executive Board

(c) Be employed by IDLA; appointed by the IETA President and confirmed by a majority vote of the Executive Board

(d) Keep the President and Executive Board informed on emerging and current educational technology issues within the State of Idaho.

(e) Serve on standing or special committees.

(f) Be a part of the Conference Committee.

Section 8 The Women in Technology representative shall:

(a) Actively attend and support IETA-sponsored meetings and functions.

(b) Attend scheduled Executive Board meetings regularly.

(c) Chair the Women in Technology sub-group

(d) Keep the President and Executive Board informed on emerging and current educational technology issues within the State of Idaho.

(e) Serve on standing or special committees.

(f) Be a part of the Conference Committee

(g) Manage the Women in Technology grants/scholarship program

Section 9 Special Representatives – As many as four Special Representatives may be appointed by the President with approval of the Executive Board. These Representatives may be appointed to fill a specific liaison purpose for the Association and/or to provide other specific knowledge or skills valued by the Executive Board.  These Special Representatives shall:

(a) Serve on standing or special committees as appointed by the President

(b) Act as a liaison between the IETA and various other committees or organizations if appointed to do so at the request of the Executive Board

(c) Has all rights and privileges of an elected board member

(d) Be a part of the Conference Committee

Section 10 Executive Board – The Executive Board, as defined in Article IV, shall have additional responsibilities to maintain and ensure the continuity and integrity of the organization.  These duties shall include but are not limited to the following:

(a) Recommendation of removal of Regional Representatives from office due to neglect of the duties defined in this document by a vote of a quorum of the Board at the recommendation of the President. The President shall then convene a regional membership meeting, and the membership shall vote on the removal of the representative and select, by vote, a new representative.


Section 1  Frequency and Method of Meeting

An annual meeting of the Executive Board shall be held in conjunction with IETA’s annual conference. Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held on such a schedule and at such places as may be established by the Executive Board–in-person or virtually. Where possible, the board should meet monthly, and one in-person meeting should occur within two months before the annual conference. 

Section 2 Meeting through Electronic Means

The Executive Board may conduct meetings through telephone conference calls, video conferencing, chat room, or by other similar electronic methods in which (1) all those attendees participating in the meeting may simultaneously hear or read each other’s communications during the meeting or (2) all communications during the meeting are immediately transmitted to each participating attendee, and each attendee can send messages to all other participating attendees immediately.

Section 3 Definition of a Quorum

One-half (1/2) of the officers and members of the Executive Board eligible to vote shall constitute a quorum. If a quorum of the board members is present through physical or virtual participation, a majority vote of those present and eligible to vote shall prevail unless otherwise specified in these bylaws.

Section 4 Parliamentary Procedure

At the meetings of the Board of Directors, the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order may be consulted for guidance but shall not be binding.


Section 1 Committees shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Executive Board and specifically charged with their responsibilities. The charge shall be consistent with the purposes of IETA. The President shall provide guidance and assistance in the development of committee activities. Committee Chairpersons shall regularly update the Executive Board regarding Committee activities. Status updates shall be provided to the full Board at each board meeting.

Section 2 The Conference Committee shall be a recurring committee chaired by the President-Elect. The Committee shall divide the duties of preparing for and implementing the annual conference. Duties of this Committee include but are not limited to: scheduling and facility planning; marketing and promotion; attendee registration; vendor relations; logistics (parking, lodging); coordinating speakers and presenters; and maintaining the conference website.


Section 1 In order to amend the bylaws:

(a) Members must be provided with proposed amendments two weeks in advance.

(b) Voting may take place at the annual conference or through electronic distribution.

(c) The proposed amendments will be ratified upon a favorable vote by the majority of the responding members.